As many of you have already noted I have changed my policy on homeopathic educational consultations to include only those that have taken my classes. The classes include the 4 week series Homeopathy Made Simple (basics/foundation knowledge of Clinical Homeopathy and a class even seasoned homeopathic users can learn from) as well as the 1 night classes on Chronic Remedy Prescribing and Chronic Case Study (both explain the facets of using chronic remedies in Clinical Homeopathy which will be used in a consultation). Recently I have written a class called Emotional Acute Remedies which would also be helpful as many people fall short in their homeopathic treatment when they don't dose as needed for acutes related to their emotions.
My reasons for doing this are quite simple.
First, I am a teacher. Besides having knowledge of homeopathy and being a certified Clinical Homeopath I am looking to help others learn and use homeopathy - both acutely and chronically - on their own (the keywords here). You know the ancient proverb that goes something like this - Give a man(or a woman) a fish and you feed him (her) for a day. Teach him (her) how to fish and you feed him (her and her family) for a lifetime. This is one of my goals - to teach people how to take care of themselves through homeopathy. Hopefully this will manifest into their children learning how to use homeopathy in their lives which can also be passed down from generation to generation. Knowledge is power and can’t be taken away from you. Many of you may not be aware that there was a point in our history when Homeopathy was restricted and down played. In recent times it seems to be threatened as well. Learning how to use homeopathy proficiently and learning the basics such as grafting (copying a remedy) and even how to make a remedy is important to know. Passing knowledge such as this from generation to generation ensures that homeopathy can thrive indefinitely.
Second, you will always know your body better than anyone. Being cognoscente of your reactions or even non-reactions to homeopathy is very important. Having the knowledge to adjust homeopathic remedies on your own is invaluable. But in order to do this you need foundation knowledge of homeopathy which is why I feel education is important prior to a consultation.
Third, as many of you already know, I am not a typical homeopath looking for you to come back repeatedly for consultations. I am looking to teach you, give you a leg up and partner with you during the consultation process. I am not looking to dictate and restrict you during this process as my true goal is to help you have the knowledge and confidence to practice on your own. I feel this is a very doable prospect for anyone willing to invest time and the resources needed in their education.
And lastly, the most important thing is results. No matter what the modality is (homeopathy, allopathy, herbs, essential oils, etc) results are the key. If you have no results the rest (the method, modality, etc) is just bogus. I feel that too many people put far too much emphasis on the “right” way rather than simply focusing on what result is had. Are there any results? Are you not being patient enough? Are you expecting lifelong problems to be resolved in a matter of days?- sounds a little unrealistic to me. Or are you being too patient? Have you been working on this problem for many years with minimal results? That is not good either. There has to be a balance here but results are the real answer.
In summary, yes, I feel it is very important to have knowledge of homeopathy and how to use it before a homeopathic consultation could be the most benefit to you. Real and long lasting results are achievable but knowledge and practice are the best way to ensure this happens.
Stay well and have fun practicing!!