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Class audios and notes are available for purchase.




                                                                                      Class Descriptions



H.Hom. Certification

Three Required Classes** for the H.Hom. Certification are listed first. 

An H.Hom. Certification is a 60 hour Homeopathy for Home use certification which is awarded through the Lotus Wellness Cottage and internationally known homeopath, author and teacher Dr. Robin Murphy.  This certification can be stand alone or it can be on route to a C.Hom. Certification (500 hours) also through Dr. Robin Murphy.   A number of things are required to achieve the H.Hom. certification including 3 series classes listed below**  The 3 required series classes are Homeopathy Made Simple, Family Homeopathy and More Homeopathy. 





For those who know nothing about homeopathy and for those who practice but need a stronger foundation


4 Classes – approx. 2 hours each class

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $200 (includes videos on all in-class demonstrations)


Homeopathy is a powerful and supportive energetic healing system that works. It is natural and inexpensive and each remedy costs less than $10. Some of you may be familiar with remedies for pain, trauma and colds, but homeopathy can also be used on arthritis, diabetes, cancer, viruses, Lyme disease, autism,  and much much more.  It can even address emotional and mental issues.  Although it is not as widely used in the U.S. (but this is changing), it is practiced throughout the world and even the British Royal family is a big proponent. Why not take control of your health for yourself and your loved ones by learning to use homeopathic remedies in your daily life? This class will be an overview of homeopathy basics and principles.  Additional topics covered will be:

  • The 64 remedies in the Homeopathic Home Kit

  • How to choose a remedy

  • How to know if a remedy is working

  • Cancellation factors for remedies

  • Remedy potency/frequency & various ways to taking i.e. dry or wet (RSB)

  • How to make up or refill a remedy solution bottle along with discarding unneeded remedies and sterilizing the bottle for reuse

  • Grafting remedies (making more) so you do not have to purchase the remedy again

  • Making homeopathic ointments/oils

  • Remedies for flus, depression, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed along with back issues and even a few remedies for pneumonia.

  • Constitutional remedies-the select group and how to use them

  • Cell Salts – how to use them and we will go over all of them

  • Test cases – this solidifies how to use the remedies taking into consideration frequency, potency and the different reactions you may get





4 Classes – approx. 2 hours each class

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $200


Prerequisite to this class is attending Homeopathy Made Simple (4 week class)


Family Homeopathy will cover using homeopathy in your home with your significant other, children and your pets.  We will begin with a review of homeopathic principles and practices which is the main foundation in practicing homeopathy successfully.  Next we will discuss an area where homeopathy specifically excels – Epidemics.  Remedies for measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and various other childhood diseases will be taught as well as how to give your child the remedy in an easy non-evasive manner.  We will have an overview of the Materia Medica and Repertory and finding information/remedies in these books. We will address remedy suggestions for  allergies (seasonal and food), colds, urinary tract infections, earaches, herpes simplex, insomnia for both kids and parents, pink eye, stys, ringworm, sore throats-strep and tonsillitis and acne. 


We will talk about the homeopathic protocol for treating parasites and their symptoms.  Remedies for ADD-ADHD will also be discussed.  Directions for making a remedy solution bottle on the go will be given.  Lastly we will discuss treating your animals using homeopathy.  Animals respond really well to homeopathy and can even “dose” themselves if you allow them.  We will discuss various ways to give your animal a remedy, how to know if the remedy is working for them and how much to give. 





4 Classes – approx. 2 hours each class

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $200


Prerequisite to this class is attending Homeopathy Made Simple (4 week class)


More Homeopathy will cover more advanced topics in Homeopathy which include:

·         How to make a non-triturated homeopathic remedy from scratch as well as learning the extensive process of making a triturated

           homeopathic remedy-also from scratch;   

·         Requirement details for the 60 hour H.Hom. certification (Homeopathy for Home Use)

·         General pointers on how to start/grow your own holistic business

·         Bach Flower Remedies with a quick reference guide on the 38 Bach Flowers.

·         Information on chakras and more specifics on the 7 chakras that relate to our physical bodies

·         Taking and analyzing a complete chronic case;

·         Various herbal tinctures will be discussed that can be used along with homeopathic remedies;

·         Definitions and discussions on Miasms and their treatment

          General information on Medical Astrology-a chakra based medical system that can indicate vulnerabilities and point to homeopathic

          remedies that should be considered. This is a great diagnostic tool.




Acute Prescribing Class Info

 One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60 – includes detailed reference notes

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


Acute Prescribing is one of the 3 classes given by Dr. Robin Murphy that is required for the H.Hom. certification. This class is the condensed version of Dr Murphy’s class. If you’ve already listened to the CD series and would like further clarification or if learning live is better for you feel free to join us for this class.

Anyone is welcome to take this class.


This class covers

  • History on Homeopathy and Homeopathic Principles

  • Our vitality and why we get sick

  • Acute prescribing – potency and frequency

  • Differentials (top remedies) forflu, cystitis and bladder infections, ear infections, sinusitis, pink eye, sore throats, herpes-genital and shingles, vaginitis, colds, coughs, and headaches

  • Remedies for antidoting specific issues

  • Other miscellaneous information




Allergies/Hay Fever/Allergic Rhinitis

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


This class will cover allergies, more specifically, hay fever or allergic rhinitis. 

Class lecture will include:

  • What are allergies and the affects they have on our bodies

  • Homeopathic and allopathic treatment options and results

  • What to do which includes ways of strengthening yourself and detoxing

  • Alternate options – making your own remedy and even using a tincture

  • Stress and allergies.Ways to address the stress for the allergic person and also – more importantly- for the person treating them

  • Prevention using homeopathic remedies

  • Dealing with difficulty breathing homeopathically

  • Combination allergy remedies-how they work

  • Lastly we will discuss many of the most common homeopathic remedies to address hay fever.Specific symptoms are given for each of the remedies and this list is designed to be kept and used for easy reference in the future.



​​Anxiety, Stress, Fear, & PTSD : The New Pandemic

One class session-(Class may run over 2 hours as it contains extensive info.)   

Class Fee:  Cost $60

Prerequisites:  Hoping to help those in need so there is no pre-req on this class 


Being in a time of great stress we need to realize that emotional issues do play a big part in our health. By addressing emotional issues using various modalities we can dissipate them thereby elevating our vitality and quality of life. 


In this class we will cover using multiple modalities to help us learn to take care of our own emotional health.

Specifics include:

  • Extensive information on homeopathic remedies to address emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness, feeling overwhelmed and even insomnia.We will go over how to dose, taking your emotional temperature, how frequent to dose and alternative ways to take the remedy.

  • We will discuss relaxing herbal tinctures as well as adaptogen herbal tinctures which address both emotional and mental stresses.

  • Our class will also include information on Cell Salts, Gemstones for stress, Homeopathic Color remedies and even some Medical QiGong poses.

  • Bach flower remedies are discussed in detail including a description of each of the 38 remedies, the questionnaire and dosing directions for you.

  • Vaccination stress and what you can do about it



Autopathy Class

“The art of healing with your own body.”

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Prerequisite to this class is attending Homeopathy Made Simple (4 week class).


Simplifying :  This class covers information on Autopathy (and Auto Nosodes).  These modalities work by using your own body’s resources to create a remedy that is then given back to the same individual.


Why would you use them? 

  •  You have chronic illness and you have not found a solution using the correctly chosen homeopathic remedies.

  •  Your progress is delayed or stopped and you want to move it forward

  •  You want an alternative in acute situations where choosing a remedy is confusing or you feel the correctly chosen remedies are not working.


This class lecture will include information on:

  •  What is Autopathy and its’ principles

  • Autopathy’s use in the past

  • When to use Autopathy

  • How does it work?

  • What to make the autopathic remedy from

  • Autopathy for acute and chronic cases

  • How to make an autopathic remedy

  • Frequency for taking the remedy

  • Alternative ways to take the remedy 




Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Edward Bach & How to Make Flower Essences on Your Own


2 night Class–approx. 2 hrs. each class (Extensive documents also included)

Class Fee:   $125

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Prerequisite:   None.


Most of us have heard of Dr. Edward Bach, the physician that created the Bach Flower Essences but do you really know/understand his motivations or even all of his discoveries during his lifetime.  This class will cover this and much more!


The class will detail:

  • History of Dr. Bach’s life, research and his discoveries

  • How do Flower Remedies work and what can they address

  • Various ways to take a Bach Flower Remedy

  • Information is given on Rescue Remedy, Bach’s First aid/Crisis remedy

  • We will go over Bach’s actual processes (there are 2) in making his Flower Remedies so that you can even make your own

  • Effects or possible issues with taking Bach Flowers

  • We will clarify many Bach Flower myths through FAQ (frequently asked questions)

  • We will go over each of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies in detail

  • Case Studies will be reviewed to help you understand how to use Bach Flower Essences on your own which was Dr. Bach’s intention

  • This class also includes:

    • the Bach flower Questionnaire

    • Bach Flower Repertory

    • A quick reference guide to Bach Flowers




Cell Salts in Depth

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


 “What are those little white bottles and how are they different than the homeopathic remedies in the blue tubes?”


This class lecture will includes information on:

  •  What are cell salts and how were they created

  • How do they work?

  • Dosing frequencies

  • Various ways to take the cell salts

  • In depth information on each of the 12 cell salts as well as bioplasma (which is all of the cell salts combined) so you can choose a cell salt for your specific needs

  • The astrology sign that relates to each of the cell salts

  • Facial analysis for picking a cell salt

  • Lastly - specific issues and the cell salt(s) recommended for each



Chronic Case Study

 One class session (approx. 2 hours)    Cost $60

Prerequisites:  HMS, Family Homeopathy & More Homeopathy series.  Chronic Remedy Prescribing and Emotional Acute Remedies class.  Medical Astrology info is also included so understanding Medical Astrology Basics and taking that class previously would be helpful. 


In this class will study various chronic cases and:

  • the specific chronic remedy needed along with potency and frequency of this remedy

  • the emotional and physical acutes along with their potency and frequency

  • additional things needed which may include, cell salts, herbal tinctures as well as other modalities

  • we will briefly go over the medical astrology component and how it fits in

  • And we will also cover other important information such as:

    • Leaving a remedy too soon

    • Insufficient details

    • The slight and possibly overlooked shift from a chronic remedy

    • Having emotional and physical acute options

    • Reoccurring acutes – not a chronic

    • The multitude of issues the chronic could address

    • The need for a chronic remedy as an acute also

    • Analysis paralysis and just trying the remedy



Chronic Remedy Prescribing

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Prerequisites:  HMS, Family Homeopathy & More Homeopathy series. 


This class will cover using homeopathic remedies chronically to strengthen an individual. 

Class lecture includes:

  • What is chronic prescribing

  • Acute and chronic prescribing:the differences and how each is used.

  • Definitions of constitutional and chronic remedies.

  • Why take a chronic remedy?

  • When to take a chronic remedy along with the potency, succussions and frequency for taking the remedy.

  • The probe dose

  • Desired results and intercurrent prescribing are discussed.

  • Changing remedy pictures and changing your chronic

  • Lastly we will review many common chronic remedies along with characteristics of each. Constitutional & miasmic remedies are included.




​​​Clarifying Cough Remedies

One class session: 2 hours

Cost $60 which includes reference notes

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


No prerequisites for this class


​Do you have trouble picking remedies for coughs?  You are not alone.  There are lots of people that do but in their defense there are many, many possible cough remedies and even a whole chapter in the Repertory on coughs! 

​Join us for a 1 night class where we clarify common cough remedies in order to help you successfully practice homeopathy for your coughs.


Information covered in this class:

  • What is a cough and what causes a cough

  • Types of coughs

  • Allopathic treatment of coughs

  • Cough characteristics:dry or wet; type; modalities-worse or better; triggered by; color/characteristics of mucus; secondary issues;general disposition of the person.

  • Overall general health advice

  • Home remedies

  • Herbal tinctures for coughs

  • How to dose acutely

  • The homeopathic remedy list for coughs




Coronavirus and Respiratory Remedies

One class session   

Class Fee:  Cost $60

Prerequisites:  None as class is mostly acutes. 


Starting out this class covers coronavirus pandemic information as well as statistics and information on the origination of the virus in a non-sensationalized manner. 

Other key points in this class are:

  • The history of coronavirus and its’ symptoms/relation to the seasonal flu.

  • Detailed information on homeopathy’s success during epidemics.

  • An extensive list of homeopathic remedies/nosodes for respiratory issues such as colds, seasonal flus, dry coughs –all symptoms of coronavirus.

  • Homeopathic remedy dosing instructions and potency information.

  • Short term homeoprophylaxis – i.e. preventative use of homeopathy.

  • Taking the remedy via wearing it.

  • Homeopathic remedies for stress, rescue remedy and calming herbal tinctures.

  • Immune Boosters which include cell salts and tinctures.




Emergencies & First Aid Class Info


One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60 – includes detailed reference notes

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


Emergencies & First Aid is one of the 3 classes given by Dr. Robin Murphy that is required for the H.Hom. certification. This class is the condensed version of Dr Murphy’s class. If you’ve already listened to the CD series and would like further clarification or if learning live is better for you feel free to join us for this class.

Anyone is welcome to take this class.

This class covers

  • Vitality, Vital Force,Energy Leaks, and Shocks

  • Emergency Level of Prescribing and first line of remedies to be given

  • Emergency Ruberics/Remedies covering:Lightning Strikes,Electrocution, Asphyxia & Carbon monoxide poisoning, Comas, Burns, Chemical Burns, Burns to cornea, Burns from nettles, Radiation burns, Sunburns, Scars from Burns, Back/Neck Problems, Bites/Stings, Acute Vaccination reactions, Snake bites, Dog Bites/Rabies, Flea bites, Scorpion bites, Broken Bones, Breast Injury, Bruised shins and bruised ribs, Cuts, Dehydration, Eye Injuries, Splinter (something) in eye, Repeated Eye Injuries/Pink Eye, Shocks-many types, Rape, Drug Overdose/Alcohol Overdose,Altitude Sickness, Head Injuries, Neck Injuries, Bleeding, Allergic Reactions, Poison Ivy/Oak, Amputation Pain, Gun Shot Wounds and more.




Emotional Acute Remedies

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Prerequisites: HMS, Family Homeopathy & More Homeopathy series as well as Chronic Remedy Prescribing.


This class will have a quick review of chronic prescribing and then go on to clarify information on emotional acute remedies.  We will be covering:

  • The root cause of the problem.Hint – it’s emotional!

  • Emotionally based chronic and acute remedies.The difference.

  • Using your chronic remedy in a higher potency as an emotional acute.

  • A frequent and long used emotional acute can indicate your new chronic.

  • Physical acutes can lead you to an emotional acute remedy.

  • Taking of your “emotional” temperature daily.

  • What happens when there is too much on your plate?

  • Rebalancing yourself and the work it takes to get there.

  • How to take an emotional acute remedy: dry, wet using a RSB or even wearing the remedy.

  • Aggravations when using or wearing an emotional acute remedy.

  • A list of the most commonly used emotion acute remedies.

  • Sample Cases




​Epidemics and Homeopathy

1 Class – approx. 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60


One of homeopathy’s main strengths is its’ success rate during epidemics.  Although knowledge on how to use the homeopathic remedies is essential, learning basic concepts enables lay people to use homeopathy successfully for minor and even major health issues.   In the Epidemics and Homeopathy class we will discuss the basics of what is homeopathy as well as-

  • The history of using homeopathy during past epidemics/childhood diseases

  • How homeopathic remedies work against an epidemic disease

  • Homeoprophylaxis (homeopathic vaccinations) – good or bad?

  • Ways to guard against effects of vaccinations using remedies

  • Nosodes (remedies made from the disease) what are they and how to use them.

  • How to protect yourself when you come in contact with someone who has a childhood disease

  • An overview of the most common homeopathic remedies used for various epidemic diseases such as Whooping Cough, Measles, Mumps, Scarlet Fever, Small Pox, etc.



Exploring Our Chakra System

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


In this class we will cover:

  • Energy and energy layers around our body

  • History of Chakras and the way they work in our bodies

  • Ascension – what is it?

  • Detecting and Reasons for Weakened, Blocked or Out of Balance Chakras

  • Religion and a “god like” existence through balancing your chakras

  • The “12” Chakras

  • Organs and Elements related to the Chakras

  • Characteristics of a Balanced Chakra

  • Characteristics of a Blocked or Imbalanced Chakra

  • Ways of balancing your chakras through crystals, meditation, mindfulness, massage,incense, color, sound/musical notes, yoga, essential oils, homeopathy, affirmations, foodsand through placement of things within your home.




​​H.Hom. Certification Class Info

1 Class – approx. 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60


This class is to review and clarify all of the steps required for the 60 hour H.Hom. Certification from Dr. Robin Murphy and the Lotus Health Institute. Many of you have taken my Homeopathy Made Simple series, Family Homeopathy series and More Homeopathy series which are the 3 in-person classes required for this certification. Besides these classes there are 3 audio classes (notes required), a research paper, case studies as well as a document describing how to make a remedy from scratch. In this class we will go over each of these requirements in detail and review examples for many of them. We will discuss appropriate topics for the research paper, how to write up case studies as well as any other information students would like to have clarified or discuss. This class should give you a clear understanding of what is needed to get you H.Hom. Certification so that you can achieve your certification in a timely manner submitting documents that easily cover what is required.




Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies
One class session: 2+ hours

Instructor:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Class Fee $60 which includes extensive notes


This class will cover:

  • What are Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies

  • How are they made

  • The Colors and associated Musical Note Remedies

  • How to use Color and Sound Remedies

  • When to give the remedies

  • Our chakras as they relate to the color and sound remedies

  • Lastly we discuss each of the 10 Color remedies as well as 9 Musical Note remedies in detail.This includes:

    • Specific information aboutthe color and relating sound

    • Characteristics of a balanced, blocked and excessive chakra relating to that color/sound remedy

    • Physical and mental/emotional issues that can apply to that color/sound remedy

    • Extra info or tips on using them

    • Example cases for the color/sound remedies




Homeopathic Prescribing Class Info

One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60 – includes detailed reference notes

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


Homeopathic Prescribing is one of the 3 classes given by Dr. Robin Murphy that is required for the H.Hom. certification. This class is the condensed version of Dr Murphy’s class. If you’ve already listened to the CD series and would like further clarification or if learning live is better for you feel free to join us for this class. Anyone is welcome to take this class.

This class covers

  • Various ways of prescribing a homeopathic remedy including detailed information on the levels

  • 5 Homeopathic Miasms and details on each

  • The vital force- what it is and how it works

  • Signs of health

  • Dosing, potency and repetition (frequency)

  • Ways to take the remedies – dry or wet

  • Dosing cups

  • Case taking strategies, questions and analysis

  • Types of patients

  • Nosodes/Isopathic remedies,sarcodes and tautopathic remedies

  • Metal remedies and each day of the week that coincides

  • Other miscellaneous information




Homeopathy for Animals

1 class –2 hours. Due to the amount of information included and the questions asked this class may run over the allotted 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60



Homeopathy for Animals will cover general homeopathy for animals.


We go over why you would use homeopathy for your animal(s) over allopathic medicine, choosing a remedy, what the remedies will address, combination remedies-good or bad, chronic and acute prescribing-the differences along with the “how-tos” for each, numerous ways to give your animal the remedy which includes how to let animals dose themselves and how to know the remedy is working on your animal.


We also go over specific remedy ideas for-

Abscesses, Aggression, Anal Sac issues, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bee Stings, Bites, Bleeding, Bloat, Broken Bones, Bumble Foot, Car Sickness, Colic, Concussions, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Coughing (kennel), Cushings, Dehydration, Dental Abscesses, Diarrhea, Dying-Transitioning  Out, Ear Issues/Infection, Egg Bound, Egg Shells Weak, Eye Injury/Inflammation, Fat Poisoning, Fear, Feline Asthma, Female Hormonal Issues/Prolapses, Fever, Fire Ant Bites, Fleas/Mosquitos/Lice, Foot Rot, Frostbite, Gastrointestinal Inflammation, Grief/Loss, Head Shaking, Heart Failure, Hives, Hot Spots, Kidney/Bladder Issues, Labor, Lacerations/Surgery, Lameness, Laminitis, Lipoma, Lyme Disease, Mange, Mastitis, Milk Production Issues, Mud Fever/Greasy Heel, Needy, Nerve Injury, Newborn Not Breathing, Overwhelmed (you), Pain/Trauma/Bruising, Parasites, Poisoned, Puncture Wounds, Rain Rot, Respiratory Issues, Scrapes, Scratches (horses), Separation Issues, Shipping Fever, Shock, Skin Issues, Snake Bites, Soft Tissue Injury, Spraying Problems (cats), Sweet Itch, Tartar, Testicles Undescended, Tetanus, Toenails cut too short, Twisting/Overuse/Sprain Injury, UTI, Uveitis, Vaccinations, Vomiting, Warts, Weaning, Wounds-Septic




​Homeopathy For Horse and Rider

1 Class – approx. 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60


The class covers homeopathic basics as well as remedy suggestions for horses and their riders.  Remedy suggestions for horses include homeopathic remedies for colic, abscesses, anxiety, fear, separation issues, worming, lameness, injuries and skin issues. For the riders we will address injuries from falls, aches and pains, broken bones (hopefully not) and any other requests time permitting.  Why not try homeopathy and replace expensive drugs/supplements with inexpensive & natural homeopathic remedies


**Important:  Homeopathic remedies are NOT herbs. Most times they are safer, less expensive & easier to use.




Homeopathy to Support Traditional Cancer Treatment

1 Class – approx. 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60

Prerequisite:   Homeopathy Made Simple (4 week class).


This class covers using homeopathic remedies for both physical and emotional stresses during traditional cancer treatment.

Specifics include:

        Remedies to address mental and emotional issues for both the cancer patient and the caregiver.

        Physical side effects from the treatment and remedies to address these:

š                  General remedies, Radiation/chemotherapy side effects, Radiation skin burns, Fever during chemo, After surgery,

                  Diarrhea after surgery, GI pain after surgery, Mouth sores during chemo, Breast biopsies

        Post treatment issues:

                  Brain fog, Dry and itchy skin, Fatigue, Healing, Insomnia

        Strengthening with a chronic homeopathic remedy – Very Important

        Acute issues during treatment i.e. cold, flu

        Other alternative things to do:

                   Herbal tinctures, Tonics, šTopical treatment, Cell Salts, QiGong, Autopathy, Food and drinks

        The Time




How to Grow & Generate Income With Your Holistic Business

1 Class – approx. 2 hours

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $60


Did you ever want to start your own business and didn’t know how to do it? Or did you have a business fail and need some help restarting it?  Perhaps you need some help with growing your current business.  This is a fun “how-to” class that addresses the steps needed to start a holistic business (or any business for that matter) and to grow it to be successful. 


How to Grow & Generate Income With Your Holistic Business will cover taking business advice from others; money and living on planet Earth; goals for your business; research and observation – the knowledge is power principle; being “Scrooge-like” with your money; marketing – the real key to your success;

letting disappointments “run off your back” – just like a duck;  numbers, numbers, numbers-how to use them and what to track; your time - investing it in your business and flexibility-the final key to your success.


Denise’s background-

Most of you know me as a homeopath running my own homeopathic practice and teaching classes.  However, in my previous life I worked in the fast paced and very competitive information technology sector as a successful marketing representative for many years.  In this position I was required to build my own territory with my own clients while being paid mainly on commissions which is very similar to starting and running your own business.  Subsequently I did start my own IT placement firm and have run that successfully for over 15  years.  In the holistic sector I have worked as a business consultant to a number of other health related businesses, helping them to restructure and improve their income and processes. 




Dr. Jennifer Daniels Class


3 hour class -  (Extensive notes are included)

Class Fee:   $90

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


Many people have heard of Dr. Jennifer Daniels in relation to taking turpentine which can produce incredible results for health issues.  This 3 hour class gives an overview on Dr Daniels course which I highly recommend purchasing.

In this class we will cover:

  • Who is Dr Jennifer Daniels and her philosophies on health

  • Allopathic and naturopathic medicine-what she thinks about each

  • Hydration – of the utmost importance

  • Uses for Castor Oil

  • Parasites-general information and the issues they can cause

    • What it really is and how it works

    • How to use it medicinally to detox your body

  • Diets (very important as our health is created by what we eat) – many different diets are explained with reasons for using or not using them

  • Collagen – an important-fundamental protein found in our bodies

  • Step by step liver/gall bladder flush instructions from Dr. Daniels

  • Lastly, we will go over many different women’s issues and her recommendations on how to address them

  • Also included are some recipes and information from Dr. Daniels on bitters-a great liver tonic




LM Potencies

Hahnemann’s last and “most nearly perfect potency”


One class session –approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 

Prerequisite:   Homeopathy Made Simple (4 week class).


Hahneman’s last and 6th edition of The Organon describes a potency Hahnemann worked on incessantly just prior to his death in 1843.  His aim was to find a potency that allowed a rapid and aggravation free cure.  The LM potencies are the answer he was looking for.  Come join us for a fun night with enlightening information on Hahnemann’s “most nearly perfect potency” – the LM Potency.


Class lecture will include information on:

  • The history of the LM Potency

  • Benefits of using the LM Potency

  • LM Scale

  • Using LMs with Acute and Chronic issues

  • How to take an LM Potency

  • Making a RSB – remedy solution bottle

  • Using a dosage cup

  • How LM remedies are made

  • Misc LM info

  • An acute case of Meningitis using LMs




Medical Astrology Basics

2 Classes – approx. 2 hours each class

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $110


The Rasavidya System of Medical Astrology is a powerful tool based on the 7 chakras or energy centers in our body. The goal in using this system is to obtain good health, longevity and happiness in our lifetime.  In this 2 class series we will cover what is medical astrology and how to use the information related to the day of the week, chakra and planetary influence from our day of birth.  We will learn personality traits (good and bad), ruling emotions, our vulnerable organs and organ systems, health issues that we may be susceptible to along with herbal tinctures and homeopathic remedies to support each day of the week.  We will learn occupations and areas of interest that we may have an affinity for as well as the best gems, metal i.e. gold, silver, etc  and even sounds that can help balance us.  Finally we will learn our medical QiGong pose to balance our energy for the specific day of the week of our birth.  Join us for 2 nights of fun and lots of information. Detailed reference notes (30+ pages) are included with this class so you can identify and help others with their Medical Astrology Basics.


The full Medical Astrology 9 box charting system is taught in the next class – Medical Astrology Charting.  This class expands on the day of the week information including many more individual details as well as 3 different aging cycles which will impact your lifestyle environment.  Medical Astrology Basics is a prerequisite to this class as we build on the day of the week information taught in this series.




Medical Astrology Charting

2 Classes – approx. 2 hours each class  

Instructor: Denise Timofai,  D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee: $120


The Rasavidya System of Medical Astrology is a powerful tool based on the 7 chakras or energy centers in our body. The goal in using this system is to obtain good health, longevity and happiness in our lifetime.  In Medical Astrology Basics we learned how to use the information related to the day of the week, chakra and planetary influence from our day of birth.  In Medical Astrology Charting we will quickly review this information and then take it further by analyzing each box of the 9 box chart and then using intricate graphs, charts and tables to create our own Medical Astrology 9 box chart.  This chart provides us with many individual and personal details as well as 3 different aging cycles that impact our lifestyle environment.  Medical Astrology Basics is a prerequisite to this class as we build on the day of the week information taught in this series. (If you are interested in this series but have not taken the Basics class the audio and notes are available for purchase.)


Join us for a fun filled class which includes extensive notes (30+ pages), graphs, tables and charts so that you can create the 9 box Medical Astrology chart for all those in your life. 



Polycrest Remedies and More

Two class sessions –approx. 2+ hours each

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Class Fee:  $125 – includes detailed reference notes


Polycrest or commonly used remedies are the foundation for your homeopathic skills.  Learning and being familiar with these remedies will accelerate your knowledge of homeopathy and your skill level.  This class includes information on 95 commonly used remedies of today as well as information on choosing a remedy; various ways to take a remedy; dosing intervals and dosing sequences; what can happen when you take a remedy and how to deal with it (includes aggravations); how to know if the remedy is working; cancellation factors; and grafting.  We will also go over some problems in order to solidify your knowledge of these remedies.


The remedies we will discuss are:

Aconite Napellus, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Aethusa Cynapium, Agaricus Muscarius, Allium Cepa, Anacardium Orientale, Antimonium Crudum, Antimonium Tart, Apis Mellifica, Apocynum Cannabinum, Argentum Nitricum, Arnica Montana, Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallicum, Bacillinum, Baptisia Tinctoria, Belladonna, Bellis Perennis, Berberis Vulgaris, Bryonia Alba, Cadmium Sulphuratum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Fluorata, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Sulphurica, Calendula Officinalis, Cantharis Vesicatoria, Carbo Vegetabilis,           

Carcinosin, Causticum, Chamomilla Vulgaris, China Officinalis, Cina Maritima, Coca Erythroxylon, Cocculus Indicus, Coffea Cruda, Colocynthis,

Conium Maculatum, Crotalus Horridus, Cuprum Metallicum, Digitalis Purpurea, Drosera Rotundifoloa, Dulcamara, Eupatorium Perfoliatum   ,

Euphrasia Officinalis, Ferrum Metallicum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Gunpowder, Hamamelis Virginiana, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Hydrastis Canadensis, Hyoscyamus Niger, Hypericum Perforatum, Ignatia Amara, Ipecacuanha, Kali Bichromicum,

Kali Bromatum, Kali Muriaticum, Kali Phosphoricum, Lachesis Muta, Ledum Palustre, Lycopodium Clavatum, Magnesia Phosphorica, 

Mercurius Solublis, Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nitricum Acidum, Nux vomica,

Opium, Oscillococcinum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricom Acidum, Phytolacca Decandra, Picricum Acidum, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Psorinum,  Pyrogenium, Rhus Toxicodendron, Rumex crispus, Ruta Graveolens, Sepia Succus, Silica Terra, Spigelia Anthelmintica, Staphysagria,  Stramonium, Sulphur, Symphytum Officinale, Tabacum, Thuja Occidentalis, Urtica Urens, Veratrum Album, Zinc Metallicum




Tincture Making Class

One class session – approx. 2 hours

Cost $60

Given by:  Denise Timofai, D.Hom., C.Hom. 


This class covers:

  • What is a Tincture

  • The Tincture Making Process-step by step easy instructions on how to create your own tincture.

  • The Recipe-includes the ingredients and proportions needed

  • How to Use the Tincture

  • Demonstration on spinning the tincture

  • The Timing-this is a very important aspect that is normally overlooked.We create and spin this tincture on the optimal energetic day of the week and we also factor in the time of the day.

  • A brief explanation on the Timing System including some chakra information.

  • Health Benefits of different herbal tinctures


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